Teachers U5 Lesson 3

This last lesson will focus on two important aspects of assessment: how to deliver meaningful feedback online and the thorny issue of so-called e-cheating; that is, how to prevent students from copying and cheating in online tests and assignments. 

How to deliver meaningful feedback…

Online learning environments can promote students’ autonomy and learning awareness by providing students with reflective materials and performative activities which enable them to make their own choices, reflect on what and how they are learning, interact and exchange ideas with their peers and monitor their progress. However, when learning online, students also need to feel guided and supported, not only by their teachers but also by their peers. That’s why feedback plays a fundamental role in any student’s learning progress. On the one hand, feedback leads students to think critically and reflect on their work; on the other hand, it builds strong teacher-student relationships and boosts students’ motivation to keep up the good work and progress furtherly (positive feedback), or find a strategy to improve and overcome the encountered difficulties (negative feedback).

Below you find 6 tips which will help you to deliver constructive feedback online. Click/tap on the interactive elements to find out more. 

…and prevent students from E-cheating

Preventing students from cheating online has now become one of the teacher’s daily tasks. Below you can find 6 tips to maximise cheating prevention both with online testing and homework assignments. Click/tap on the interactive elements to find out more. 

Test Yourself!